Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Posted by Flashbulb Member Shimrit Ildis

A Lie Of The Mind- Live Music

Music has a spell on me. I have always been very passionate for music and believe, deep down, everyone else is too. There is something magical about the power of sound when it combines elements of pitch, melody, harmony, rhythm, tempo, articulation, dynamics and texture on our soul that provokes our feeling, ideas and memories.

As our company started to work on Sam Shepard's A Lie Of The Mind one of the first things that came up was the live music in his production. In the original New York production, which Shepard himself directed, a bluegrass group called The Red Clay Rambles was playing live music through the entire play. He stated “having worked intimately with these musicians, left me no doubt that this play needs music. Live music. Music with an American backbones” -Sam Shepard.

In our production we chose to open the play with a live band. One of the main motives in the play is the moon that is hanging above the two families over Montana and California. It watches the characters; observing their actions and listening to their secrets, lies, and deepest desires. Our band, is set on the moon and shares glimpses of the journey the audience is about to dive into.

Choosing the music demanded looking not only for the conceptual themes of the play but it's thematic rhythm, tempo, harmony, etc. Making those choices allowed us to explore more specificity how to set the play with our songs.

Everything about this process has been so exciting! I want to share with you a song from the Original production:


Come see and listen to us tell our version of A Lie Of The Mind.

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